Monday, April 15, 2013

Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 2 Recap

So, the second episode of GoT aired last Sunday. I will not go into full rant about the lack of Stannis in this episode so a quick recap through points:

1-The whole Jojen & Meera introduction was the absolute worst thing since the Baelish/Sansa interaction in the first episode, idiotic and completely wrong. Meera would have never pointed a weapon at Osha, so just stop, HBO. Also, I can't believe the kid who plays Jojen is actually 23! Oh my God, talk about the fountain of youth.

2- Robb Stark continues to be a complete idiot. Talissa is a complete idiot. The only person who isn't an idiot in that camp is Roose Bolton. Probably Karstark, too.

3- Did ANYONE believe the story Catelyn told about Jon and the pox? Very VERY out of character.

4- Arya, Gendry, and Hot Pie being the little awkward children of nothingness they -now- are. I hated that we didn't meet Lem and the Winterfell stables-boy. I hated that the uncovering of Arya's true identity was by The Hound. They took so much away. They couldn't give us the simple pleasure of seeing joy in Arya's face when she sees the stables-boy. Screw you, HBO.

5- Brienne's and Jamie's scenes were a bit of a let-down. I mean, after all the anticipation. The fighting scene was great, though, and the location of the fight and the nature of it. GOD. I'm still expecting better scenes this week, though, and keeping my hopes high.

6- Jon, as usual, was a badass even when he isn't supposed to be one. I loved the Mance/Jon conversation about the wildling tribes and the whole Worg scene. The worg scene was cool beans. Yes, I just said cool beans, it's 1:30 AM, get over it.

7- Sansa and Loras Tyrell = heart break
WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT. She sees in him the days of the Hand's tournament, when her dad was still alive and the world was her oyster. She sees her old bubbly little girl self in his eyes. Oh, Sansa.
Tears were shed with/for hers.

8- Sansa/Margery/Lady Olana = OH MY GOD.
The Queen of Thorns is literally the best. Her attitude, her sweet-talking Sansa to reveal the dirt on Joffrey. Freaking Joffrey.
"Get me my cheese!"

9- The whole Margery seducing the king with perverted talk about killing animals with a cross-bow. Kinky. It gives me the creeps.

10- Show us Riverrun already!!

11- Freaking Theon Greyjoy. You know, in the books, he disappears in the third one. I wanted that to translate into the TV series. You don't always get what you want.

12- The kid from Misfits is apparently sent by Asha or whatever her name turned out to be on the show which WHAT IS THAT?! I don't recall this happening in the book, but okay, I like him.

overall rating of the episode: 3/5
overall rating of Sophie Turner as Sansa in this episode: 5/5 


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