Thursday, April 18, 2013

Divergent by Veronica Roth

Remember when I reviewed Ready Player One and said I was surprised that such a book could live up to its hype. I'm not going to say that about Divergent. Technically I didn't read Divergent, I listened to the audio-book. I'm still counting it as one of my 50 books this year, though.

The book starts out as any young adult book narrated by a 16 year old does, her describing the way she looks. Okay, you are very ordinary looking. There is nothing special about you. You are a goody two-shoes that doesn't seem to quite fit in. Let me guess, you fall in love with a bad boy that falls in love with you back? Let me hold that thought. Then, as any other dystopian book the narrator begins to describe the world she lives in. The thing about this world is that it is a dystopia disguised as a utopia, so there's that point for creativity, or possibly not because Brave New World.

Anyways, the whole world -or possibly just North America- are divided into five factions:
Abnegation: Selfless. Symbol: holding hand
Dauntless: Brave. Symbol: fire
Erudite: Intellectual. Symbol: eye
Amity: Peaceful. Symbol: tree
Candor: Honest. Symbol: scales

When a person becomes 16 they have a choice to make, to stay in the faction they were born into or transfer to a different faction and unless they choose Erudite they stop studying. Okay, education-hating society. Before the transfer ceremony the kids have to take a simulation test that shows which factions they are most suitable for. Although they don't have to choose that faction, if they choose another faction and fail in the initiation phase they will live forever faction-less; poor, jobless, and on the streets.

The simulation decides which faction suits the16 year old by elimination. So if you choose to take a course of action, say attack a dog, the amity option would be eliminated and so forth until there is only one option left. The people who realize they are in simulation and can control the outcome are those who can't be filed into a certain result of what faction suits them. Those people are known as Divergent. Can you guess who is divergent. Can you guess?
Also, the character ends many chapters with, "I'm dauntless." "I am divergent" "I am a complete idiot." Please let us come to the realization or the revelation ourselves. We do not want to be spoon-fed the

so-called character development.

If you don't mind predictable twists, cheesy bad tough guy/ good fragile girl romances, and dystopia then this is the book for you. If you are still unsure what this book is about it is basically A Beautiful Disaster in a dystopian world. If you are, however, a person who likes better books than that, then first don't read this books, second, welcome to my blog and can we be friends?

I can see how this book has a sequel, although I will not be reading it. The main story of the book other than the romance is a rebellion and a civil war that only started in the last three chapters of Divergent.

There will be a movie in 2014 starring some people I don't know, it does how ever feature KATE WINSLET as a government villain so yes, I will be watching. Zoe Kravitz is in it too, but I don't like her acting, so. I don't know why I thought Aaron Eckhart was in this. He isn't.

If I were you I'd just skip the book and see the movie if you are a Winslet fan, if not just steer clear.

final rating: 1/5

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