Monday, March 4, 2013

Versatile Blogger Award

Two days ago, my friend Alaa nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. I don't actually know what that ensues, but I'm very honored.

I don't know 15 bloggers. I really don't. So, first 15 people to read this are my nominations for most versatile bloggers. Can I nominate the person who nominated me?

As for the second part, here are 7 things you probably don't want to know about me:

  1. My favorite books growing up were the ones that included old wizards and high mountains to climb.
  2. My favorite cereal is Special K Oats & Honey.
  3. My super secret fantasy is one day discovering that I'm a long lost Indian princess.
  4. My favorite hobbit is Bilbo.
  5. I'm 18 years old.
  6. I once slept for 16 hours straight. That remains my record this far in life.
  7. If I could have dinner with any person alive or dead I'd choose Oscar Wilde.

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