Thursday, November 29, 2012

Last Resort

The only drama shows I currently enjoy are Game of Thrones and Suits. Since both are on hiatus until 2013, I looked for a show to fill in their place and I watched Last Resort. Guess what, seven episodes into the season and the show was called off. They will still air the episodes they've filmed, bringing the total of all the episodes to 13.
  Now my brain considers Last Resort and Prison Break essentially the same thing. I don't know if it's the inner security government conspiracy or the brunette with a father in a power position.
you are the same person.

 Now, unlike what I did with the review of the TV show Suits, here is why Last Resort is awesome and should not be cancelled.

a) sub plots: I love sub plots in shows, books, movies, life (not really), and anything else. This show has at least 3 or 4 stories going on in each episode which is awesome.

b) The crew of the Colorado are not only men but also include female officers, which is really a first in this genre, at least to me.

c) There is this one episode in which the entire island was drugged with a chemical compound which caused hallucinations and whatnot.

d) the island, which due to my limited google-ing skills I couldn't find any pictures of.

e) this guy: Even though he and his 'battalion?' were the reason this whole mess happened and two of his friends died, he thinks he's on a vacation.

d) there's a backstreet boy involved and he's a wuss and I hate him with a passion

e) the bully kid from the first season of Glee is there and he gets shot on the first episode

f) mental breakdown

g) we will have a girls' night sleepover, goddamit

h) There's a guy whose title is Cobb but I have no idea what's his name and he's always ruining everyone's plans and being demeaning to superior ranks

i) one episode, the island's gangster master kidnaps and officer and straps a bomb on her but she doesn't die

j) the lady from the O.C cleaned up really well and then became a DC hotshot.

k) this lady is in it and she's a cool bartender and I love her and I want to be her


final rating: ABC, I hate you and hope you never find true love and die alone and cold.


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