Thursday, August 23, 2012

Suits: a Review

Everyone is talking about the "new" hit TV show, Suits. I watched the entire first season, and while the shows is filled with overused TV cliches and stereotypes, I'm hooked.

The following is a list of why this show sucks:

1. Harvey Specter, the boss, a winner that gets the job done. He's always right and he knows it. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and his job. Oh, wait, yes he does, because his life's purpose has been changed after he met:
2. Mike Ross, he gets away with breaking the law because he's super smart.
Suits producers: "No one is THAT smart?"
Suits writer: "Didn't you read the line about him having a photographic memory?"
Suits producers: "seems legit."

That's not the whole deal, though. He falls hopelessly in love with:

3. Rachel; glamorously classy, and the biggest tease Mike has ever set eyes on. Don't you start thinking this show is about white people in suits because of the title, Rachel isn't a white person in a suit.
She's a paralegal, a position just under a legal associate, that is Mike Ross (no puns intended), but she can get away with anything she says to him because he's got the hots for her. Don't get the writers wrong here, the reason she's not a lawyer yet isn't because she's a woman, it's because she doesn't test well. To prove this point, here:

4. Jessica Pearson; the strong black woman who is managing partner of the law firm. See?

5. Lewis Litt. The whole reason they even wrote this character was to get a bad guy from within the company so the episodes don't bore you to your death.
Suits writer: "Hey, let us make him LOVE the ballet and add hints and joke about him being gay!"
Suits producers: "..."
Oh, and not only does he annoy the lead characters, but his assistant as well:

6. Donna; she's a slightly older female assistant that knows the lead character oh so well, just like a wife would.. Oh, where have I seen that one before? She's fiery, and can tell a certain junior partner to basically suck it because she's Donna. Wait, that, too, sounds familiar. I forgot something, she's isn't afraid to flirt and seduce her way into knowing things from that same junior partner because he has the hots for her.

Didn't I just write that about Mike Ross and Rachel?

7. We know nobody is going to fire Ross. If they did fire him, they'll have to cancel the show. Stop it already.

I have to admit, the only reason I watch this show is because I'm a sucker for subplots. 

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