Tuesday, December 17, 2013

TV Shows Started and Abandoned in 2013

Downton Abbey

I quite enjoyed this show. The plot itself isn't that great, but the acting, set design, costumes, and score are very impressive. The character development is actually very impressive considering the type of show.I'm not sure if this is completely abandoned or just until I'm bored out of my mind with nothing to watch again.

Witches of East End

Worst TV show of the year if not life. Very bad acting, setting, costume design, set design, and special effects. I don't know if this was picked up for another season, but I really hope it is not.


This show is about Mary the Queen of Scotts. CW usually make superficial entertainment, so I wasn't expecting any different. If you are looking for a show that is basically Gossip Girl set in the French court, you've found it.


Okay, I have not read Stoker's Dracula, and my vampire knowledge is based solely on Buffy, Angel, twilight, and that stupid Van Helsing movie. I honestly did enjoy the first couple of episodes, but after that it was torture, and so I stopped. The casting for the show is really good, and the effects are very good for an NBC show, other than that, there are no redeeming points.

Hemlock Grove

http://i.i.cbsi.com/cnwk.1d/i/tim/2013/04/19/netflix-hemlock-grove.pngProbably the worst TV recommendation and experience I've ever had. Terrible. 

The Following

I've wrote a whole post praising this show after its first episode and since then I have regretted that post. This is a horrible show. The violence became more frequent and less tasteful. All directorial choices are questionable, and all the writing is, for lack of a better word, stupid.

Under The Dome

It had so much potential. It builds up the plot and sets the scene only to crumble everything into a bad TV fiasco.

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