Monday, July 1, 2013

My Mad Fat Diary

So my sister and I have this weird thing in which we have to be obsessed with something at any given period of time. As this season of Game of Thrones is coming to an untimely end like a certain warden of the north turned hand, we decided it was time to start watching something new.

I've been seeing a lot of posts about My Mad Fat Diary and finally decided to watch it. Apparently the show is based on the real story of a real Rae Earl. Basically, there is this 16? year old who had a self-harming "accident" and had to spend a few months in a psychiatric ward without anyone knowing about it. In the beginning of the first episode she explores her first week back in the real world where she tries to meet people, become better, and recover from her setback.

On her way home for the first time in month she runs into her best friend since ever, Chloe. Chloe then invites her out to meet her new made friends, "the gang" in "the pub".

Meet Rachael 'Rae' Earl:

Meet "the gang":

Meet Rae's mom and Karim:

Meet Tix & Danny:

Meet Kester:

This show is weirdly funny. I mean okay, it is a tad weird and inappropriate, I'll give you that, but what British show isn't? *cough*Misfits*cough*

Things I like about the show:

a. The characters. They are all individually exactly the same, which most people are. I feel the direction captures that human trait perfectly.

b. The soundtrack is perfect. You know when you watch a very nice scene in TV or in the cinema but the music playing ruins everything? not once has this happened in this show. 

c. The graphics and special effects. I could just write a love letter to graphic effects designed of this show.

d. The show has a very Mean Girls-y vibe, which I obviously am a huge fan of because MEAN GIRLS.

e. I like the fact that even though the show starts with Rae judging everyone to be awesome based on how they look, after the first episode she kind of realized that looks aren't the most important thing and maybe it's what is on the inside that counts. This is a lesson as old as time itself, taught by parents from generation to generation for eternity, and it is cool how the show doesn't just let Rae narrate that, " looks don't matter... being a nice person does." She just changes the way she acts around others and that is completely fine.

f. Kester's character is very interesting. He isn't perfection in the form of a psychiatrist, he's just a regular guy with a messed up life of his own which he doesn't let effect his job.

g. Rae always tells it like it is

Things I don't like about the show:

a. some of the graphics are very well, graphic. I don't know any other way to put it.

b. I don't know about others, but as for myself I don't  usually become close friends with people I've just met over night. I mean, especially if you struggled in making friends all through your life. It just doesn't make sense to me.

c. The fact that Chloe is essentially always mean and cruel to Rae. I mean, she's always putting Rae down because of her weight and personality, and sometimes she's right, but others she's just unfriendly.

d. Smoking and drinking are REALLY big parts of this show. I recognize the necessity of those two elements to the "troubled youth" story, but I don't understand why they need to make smoking look so appealing and sexual. 
Overall rating: 3.5/5

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