Sunday, February 17, 2013

Shit My Dad Says

Couple weeks back, or maybe just one I don't even know, I read Justin Halpern's ultra short book, Shit My Dad Says. It was funny, short, and as the the front cover blurb says: "Ridiculously hilarious."

The book has full anecdotes in a short two-to-three pages chapters and several short snippets (basically tweets form the twitter account that launched everything) titled on the subject between the anecdote chapters. Did that make sense?
see what I'm talking about?

The book is -as said before- very short and will take about an hour or so to read. That being said it is a really great book. It delivers n everything it promises it would. I'd recommend this to anyone who wants to start reading biographies or nonfiction in general. I will also be definitely be looking for I Suck at Girls, the second book by Justin Halpern.

final rating: 5/5

I really don't see how this idea could generate any more money, to be completely honest. Apparently, some tv network thought otherwise, because this happened:

Now, I never say bad things about old people cause that's disrespectful and my mother taught me better, but William Shatner -and Goldie Hawn but that's another story- is the exception to that rule. I hated him in everything he's ever been in. Anyways, although the show is based on -and I'm using that term lightly here- the book, it bares close to no resemblance whatsoever to what the story is actually about. I mean, they made the dad and the mom divorced, something that can never happen in real life, at least not according to the book. That alone took a lot from the character of the father. The second thing was that they made the father an ex-navy which is plain out idiotic.

When I downloaded the first episode of the show I honestly thought it will take place in the author's childhood, this is just sloppy TV work. The brother and his wife are obnoxious. The playback laughter is just too much, the jokes are not even funny. Bottom line is I hated the show and given the choice I'd rather sit through a football game than watch it.

final rating: -5/5

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ready Player One Review

As some of you know, I'm a huge youtube lover. It is the best internet website after google and wikipedia. One of the things I watch on youtube are booktuber videos, which is basically nerds talking about books they do and do not like. starting around last November I've started hearing a ton amount of buzz surrounding a novel, Ready Player One by Earnest Cline. At first I wasn't very intrigued by all the buzz -mainly because of all the hype around Anna & the French Kiss, which I've read the synopsis of but didn't catch my interest-, then I felt like I should at least check what the book was about. After that, I was very much interested, so I got the book on my e-reader and decided that it will be my R for my A-Z book challenge.

The story is in the year 2044, all the fuel and resources are done and dried up. People are suffering from famine, poverty, homelessness, and about every other bad thing you could think of. However, there is one thing that is still thriving and basically holding up the economy and everyone's lives together, and that is the internet. God bless.
love this official motion cover *excited noise*
The protagonist of the story is Wade Watts or as his avatar, Parzival, an 18 year old boy who lives in the stacks (RVs stacked on top of each other and held up by pipes). He goes to school virtually, in the OASIS (Ontologically Anthropocentric Sensory Immersive Simulation), which is the entire world's escape from reality. He has no friends or loved ones in the real world but has a best friend in the OASIS named Aech (pronounced as H). Basically, the guy who created the OASIS, James Halliday, died, and after his death a statement was released on his website that he's hidden an 'easter egg'' in the OASIS. To acquire the egg, the person must first open three gates. No gate can be cleared unless the player has the proper key. There is a copper key, a jade key, and a crystal key. The clues to finding those keys are in James's "manual", which is filled with 80's pop culture.

The book is divided into 4 parts. A sort of prequel, level 1, level 2, and level 3.  The quotes at the beginning of each part are really funny.

Actually, you can pick a page at random from a book and you'll find a sentence worthy to be quoted. The writing style is very elegant. I was not expecting the writing to be so beautiful in a book that essentially a play-by-play of a video game. Boy was I in for a pleasant surprise. This is an author I'll be waiting to read more from.

 The characters are very well written. My favorite character by far is Aech. I loved his dialogue, his development, and his very smart comebacks to whatever Parzival said. I honestly liked all of the High Five. They were very fun to follow, closely relate-able, and watching them understand and discover the mysteries of the game is very engaging.

I loved the rivalry between the Gunter (egg hunters) and the Sixers (I can't explain the sixers). I loved how the villain, he was your typical villain who rests on the throne of a corporation which is linked throughout the book with words like: fascism, imperialism, and corporate scum, among other things. I also loved the epic final battle scene. That was awesome.
The credit of this beauty is due to a blog titled Dalton James Rose

To say the truth, there were some parts of the book that were really hard to believe. They are spoilers, so I won't say anything, for once in this blog's history, a post is spoiler-free. Anyways, back to the hard to believe stuff, they really seem like the were written for a rushed screenplay. Maybe I'm just saying that cause I'm a Grinch who doesn't like it when things turn out for the better. Turns out, the author did write it with a movie adaptation in mind, so, I guess I was right. The author also created his own egg hunt on his website, with the prize as a renewed & refurnished DELOREAN. Guys. GUYS. He also traveled for his book tour in a DeLorean.
how cool is this guy?

Warner Brothers bought the movie rights for this book. I'm not excited about that. I think that it is very hard concept to create through that medium. We'll just have to wait and see.

final rating: 4.9/5 (only because of those two parts. urgh.)
now reading: blueeyedboy (don't judge me for still reading this it is very slow)

Just a small request here, a group of friends and I are working on a charity book fair. If you have any new or used books that are in good condition, let the magic live on for anther person. Contact us to see how you can help today.