Thursday, January 31, 2013

W.E. (2011) Review

 A couple of weeks ago I watched  Madonna's W.E. It was magnificent, breathtaking, and alluring. It is basically about the story of Wallis Simpson and prince Edward -aka David, to his close friends. It also shows the story of Wallis Winthrop, a woman named after and obsessed with Wallis Simpson in 1998.

To be honest I've never heard of Wallis & Edward's story before watching the film. I haven't seen The King's Speech yet either. Now, I'm hooked. I want to know everything about Wallis and prince Edward, I want to read about their lives before, while, and after the were together. I find their story fascinating to say the least. I think I'm going to order their correspondence letters book and their biographies.

As to the film itself, it is pretty AWESOME. I mean the costume design is just perfect; the clothes are to die for and the hair and makeup is spot on.

And the casting is spot on, as well. I mean, they could pass as siblings.

In the film, there is a scene in which Wallis is on a yacht with prince Edward and he presents her with a tray. She lifts the lid and finds a beautiful silver cross with the most beautifully cut stones you've ever seen. He actually gifted her several which she wore in a beautiful silver chain bracelet. Madonna wears a replica of it.

To tell you the truth, this film has now become one of my favorites -as if you haven't guessed that already. The cinematography is absolutely beautiful, although there were a couple of transition frames I hated. The pacing of the film wasn't too slow or too fast, it was very smooth and evenly paced, which I like in films. The colorful scenes weren't overwhelming, and the scenes that lacked colors weren't depressing.

As for the story of 1998's Wally Winthrop, it is very predictable. We've seen her story a million times and more, but we've never seen the decisions made by the influence of a dead duchess.

final rating: 5/5

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