Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Young Doctor's Notebook Review

Daniel Radcliffe is starring in a brand new show alongside John Hamm. The story takes place in a remote Russian village in 1917, and Moscow in 1934. Radcliffe plays the young doctor, and Hamm plays the old doctor. The old doctor can travel to his past and relive his memories alongside his young self, but the young doctor cannot travel into the future (obviously).

 After watching the first two episodes of the series I discovered that it is based on a Russian book under the same name. I don't think I will be reading the book, though, as the series are really great and I don't think much additions or cuts are needed.

There's this one character (who plays a dentist assistant?) who is super annoying to the doctor. He likes people to think highly of him. He is an excellent character, very funny and different to the other two in the hospital staff. I like his scenes with the doctor the best, as they have a nice dynamic and funny conversations. There are only four characters in the show and five cast members, so it is very easy to understand each characters and their dynamics with others.

I do wish they've cast actors with Russian accents, as that would have been much more realistic, even if it was just the minor characters and not just the doctor. Another thing I found odd was the fact that both Daniel Radcliffe and John Hamm speak in two different accents. Their accents are quite similar but some things seem different.

John Hamm & Daniel Radcliffe do have similar features: nose shape, eyes, thin lips, but the production took that a step further giving them the same hairstyle.
Both actors did a great job on that front as well, sporting similar facial expressions and the exact nervous jaw stroke.

The show has just the right balance between psychological scenes and gore-y scenes. Although you cringe through a whole season in the second episode of the doctor giving an eight year old girl an amputation with a blunt saw, you still watch. You also keep watching while the doctor tries to pull a tooth from a man's mouth and ends up breaking a piece of jaw bone with it.

The dynamic of the show is really great, the young doctor being really awkward, unsure, and trying to fill the shoes of his predecessor, Leopold Leopoldvich, and the old doctor mature and confident but still unsure in his present life.

final rating: 5/5

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