Sunday, February 16, 2014

I Capture the Castle Review

This is just a quick review post. I was going to write more about the book as I enjoyed it very much, but the spring semester started. Which included a lot of the latter and none of the former.

Sometime in the past month I managed to start and finish Dodie Smith's I Capture the Castle. I didn't not expect to like it as much as I did. I love those books in which nothing really happens, not in the greater schemes of things. Those are the books that really touch and change your mindset. Books like The Picture of Dorian Grey, Atonement, Azazeel, and Vernon God Little. I Capture the Castle is now on that list.

I believe one of the reasons I liked this book so much is how close its setting is to Atonement, and how the story is so different from it. There is the observant young sister, the glamorous older sister, the young studious side-lined brother, the live-in handsome and brooding young service man, and the big house in the English countryside. Unlike in Atonement, the Mortmains are broke and lead a very antisocial lifestyle.

The story is set into 3 journals written by Cassandra Mortmain. Although Cassandra is the narrator, she doesn't take the role of the protagonist. She mainly observes the castle and its residents and tries to capture them in her journal. She is very much like Briony from Atonement in that regard. Unlike Briony, Cassandra is a very likable character. She is on good terms with her family, takes care of some of the chores, and is a generally good character. She is very relate-able, as her character is very complex, but predictable. I like people who are both complex and predictable, and they are hard to find in a coming-of-age book character.

Another great component in this book is how the characters who are flawed have many redeeming qualities. Perhaps the one that seems the least so is Mortmain, as he only redeems himself by the end of the book. Topaz is an absolutely perfect character. She is smart, beautiful,  weird, sometimes inappropriate,  and very home-ly.

One of the stylistic choices I really liked was Cassandra's dislike of open happy endings in books, and then, in relation, how this book ended. I thought it was awfully clever.

Monday, January 6, 2014

2013 Favorites

A roundup of some of my favorite things in 2013.

1- Books:
Favorite Stand Alone Book: Azazel by Youssef Zeidan
I started this book late in December 2012, and finished reading it two days into the next year. It is a piece of historical fiction that follows a Coptic monk named Hepa through his journey from Egypt to Syria, and then onto further lands. The plot is laced with religious thoughts and the beliefs of the early Christianity vs the beliefs of what followed 500 years later. The book has won the Arab Booker prize a couple of years back, and the reasons it won are clear. The dialogue is as heavy with provocative ideas as the narrative in this novel. The events seem very historically accurate, when reading I sometimes forgot that this is a work of fiction and not a memoir. A notable mention goes to the beautiful word choice in this book. The Arabic language is beautiful, no debate there, and the author has used it here to his advantage. Some sentences in the dialogue flowed like honey, but the narrative was the true star of this book.

Favorite Book Series: Saga by Brian K. Vaughn, artwork by Fiona Staples
Without a doubt, Saga would be on this list. It was a refreshing breath of air compared to the usual fantasy books I seem to have picked out lately. The plot was interesting and both character and event driven. The graphics were beautifully executed. More than anything I liked the dialogue in the novels, it was light, witty, and thoughtful.

Honorable books mention: The short story No Free Lunches by Jeffrey Somogyi

2- TV & Movies:
Favorite New TV Show: NBC's Hannibal
Hands down. I've made a lengthy post on TV shows I started in 2013 but haven't finished. Hannibal is one of three I actually am still interested in, and by far the most captivating. I've written a post about Hannibal here. Just go watch the show.

Favorite Season of a Returning Show: AMC's Breaking Bad
IMDB's rank of the show is 9.5, it is the most watched show on Netflix, and all for good reason. The best TV show I've ever watched, and the last season was better than anything else returning to TV this year. Season three of Game of Thrones was such a disappointment I couldn't finish my weekly recaps. Basically, no other show is even on the same level.

Favorite Movie: Pacific Rim
This was a bit of a tough one. I was hesitant as I really liked The Great Gatsby and Electrick Children, but both had some elements missing to make either of them my favorite.However, Pacific Rim was absolutely perfect. Although neither its science nor logic would hold up under close inspection, its whole is much greater than the sum of its parts, and those parts have giant robots. It's straight up good original movie that doesn't try too hard and isn't scared of making fun of itself. More of this Hollywood, less dark past prequels.

Favorite Anime: K
I haven't watched much this year, but this was REALLY good. It reminded me a lot of the Japanese shows I watched as a kid on Spacetoon, but multiplied in the quality of the graphics and the complication of the story.

Honorable TV & movie mentions: Brooklyn Nine-Nine and World War Z.

3- Internet:
Favorite Youtube Show: Bravest Warriors on CartoonHangver
I usually am not interested in these types of shows. Don't get me wrong, the graphics are cool and all, but you get nothing out of this type of show. I guess eventually that is what got me into it. You get nothing out of it. It is just a good show to watch when you are bored and are "on a break" from what you are supposed to be doing. Each episode is about 5 minutes and some of the characters -namely, catbug- are pretty cute.

Favorite Website:
I first discovered Rachel Whitehurst on Youtube in the summer of 2012 when I was searching for videos about what to bring to your dorm room. Ever since then I've been a faithful subscriber to her channel. She's absolutely gorgeous, smart, and funny. Her videos are personal, which is amazing because her personality is beautiful. Her website shows who she is and what she cares about very well. It it where I get news about new products and techniques. I love it.

Favorite Blog:
Dalal AlDoub is a Kuwaiti fashion and beauty blogger. I first found her on the Instagram popular page. I love her blog because her entries are short and fun. Her style is refined and classic, yet has a touch of modern styles. She recently launched a Youtube channel in which she films makeup tutorials using the same blog name.

Favorite Phone app: Cracked Lite
I only installed the Cracked app in December because I didn't know it existed, but it has quickly become my favorite app. The layout is perfect. There is a huge difference between viewing Cracked on your phone browser and viewing it on the Lite app. The content, as usual, is awesome.

Honorable internet mention: The David Pakman Show on Youtube and Cracked's After Hours on Youtube.  

Friday, January 3, 2014

2013: A Year in Books

2013 began with me setting a reading challenge for myself. Now that it has ended, it is time for me to revisit that challenge and either give myself a pat on the back for trying, or buy myself a large cup of frozen yogurt. Also, I added books I've read for class, but I won't add a rating for those. Here are the books I've read in 2013:

1. American Idle: A Journey Through Our Sedentary Culture by Mary Collins
2. Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Leviathan and John Green 2/5
3. Horns by Joe Hill 4/5
4. Saga: Volume 1 by Fiona Staples and Brian K Vaughn 4/5
5. Saga: Volume 2 by Fiona Staples and Brian K Vaughn 4/5
6. A Game of Thrones (Graphic Novel) by George R. R. Martin, Daniel Abraham, and Tommy Patterson 3/5
7. Mini Shopaholic by Sophia Kinsella 2/5
8. The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams Bianco 3/5
9. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson 5/5
10. As You Like It by William Shakespeare 4/5
11. Vernon God Little by D.B.C. Pierre 4/5
12. العبودية المختارة by  أيتيان دي لا بواسييه
13. Smile by Raina Telgemeier 3/5
14. Divergent by Veronica Roth 1/5
15. The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury 5/5
16. Bossypants by Tina Fey 5/5
17. The Ricky Gervais Guide to Medicine by Ricky Gervais 3/5
18. No Free Lunches by Jeffrey Somogyi 5/5
19. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card 5/5
22.   كخه يا بابا by عبدالله المغلوث
23. I Suck at Girls by Justin Halpern 5/5
24. Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak 4/5
25. Stories I Only Tell My Friends by Rob Lowe 2/5
26. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald 3/5
27. Blueeyedboy by Joanne Harris 1/5
28. Sh*t My Dad Says by Justin Halpern 5/5
29. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline 4/5
30. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl 5/5
31. Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote 4/5
32. Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl 4/5
33. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling 5/5
34. A Feast for Crows by George R. R. Martin 5/5
35. Avalon High Coronation: The Merlin Prophecy by Meg Cabot 5/5
36. Avalon High Coronation: Homecoming by Meg Cabot 5/5
37.  عزازيل by يوسف زيدان
38. The Healthcare Handbook by Nathan Moore and Elisabeth Askin
39. The Complete Short Stories by Oscar Wilde 4/5

40. Julie and Julia by Julie Powell
41. Steig Larrsson's The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo Graphic Novel by Leonardo Manco, Andrea Mutti, and Lee Bermejo.
42. Looking for Alaska by John Green
43. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Steven Chbosky

Other than a couple of short stories, I haven't finished anything else. 43 out of my original goal of 50 is not too bad at all.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

TV Shows Started and Abandoned in 2013

Downton Abbey
I quite enjoyed this show. The plot itself isn't that great, but the acting, set design, costumes, and score are very impressive. The character development is actually very impressive considering the type of show.I'm not sure if this is completely abandoned or just until I'm bored out of my mind with nothing to watch again.

Witches of East End
Worst TV show of the year if not life. Very bad acting, setting, costume design, set design, and special effects. I don't know if this was picked up for another season, but I really hope it is not.

This show is about Mary the Queen of Scotts. CW usually make superficial entertainment, so I wasn't expecting any different. If you are looking for a show that is basically Gossip Girl set in the French court, you've found it.

Okay, I have not read Stoker's Dracula, and my vampire knowledge is based solely on Buffy, Angel, twilight, and that stupid Van Helsing movie. I honestly did enjoy the first couple of episodes, but after that it was torture, and so I stopped. The casting for the show is really good, and the effects are very good for an NBC show, other than that, there are no redeeming points.

Hemlock Grove the worst TV recommendation and experience I've ever had. Terrible. 

The Following
I've wrote a whole post praising this show after its first episode and since then I have regretted that post. This is a horrible show. The violence became more frequent and less tasteful. All directorial choices are questionable, and all the writing is, for lack of a better word, stupid.

Under The Dome
It had so much potential. It builds up the plot and sets the scene only to crumble everything into a bad TV fiasco.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Teen Wolf Disappointments

Here's the thing, I watch Teen Wolf UNironically, so when they start messing up I turn into a sour-wolf.. Also, this will be in list form because otherwise it will be highly unorganized.

1. The mystery girl from s03e01: Tattoo 
 The entire opening sequence was based on Isaac being saved by this girl. The entire closing sequence was based on the alphas killing this girl. Continuously through the episode Isaac kept asking "Where is the girl?" This mystery girl, in my opinion, had a lot of potential to be something completely different and much much better.

In a perfect world where I make executive writing decisions in all shows I watch, the mystery girl and Cora's roles would be interchanged. I would have Isaac being saved by Cora Hale, doing something his own alpha wasn't capable off. Thus, conflicting Isaac between three wolves to feel alliance towards (Daniel Sharman pulls a great conflicted Isaac Lahey as evident by season2), further demolish Derek Hale's competence, and make a better overall reunion scene once the mystery girl is discovered. If that had been the way to go, Isaac savior wouldn't have been killed and he wouldn't have hated the VOLTRON! twins so much making their alliance further down the season more believable. 

Another thing that I didn't catch on about the girl but my sister has pointed me towards was the fact that it seems that all the emissaries (except for one) at this point have been of African descent. Borrowing from The Vampire Diaries, which let us be honest, emissaries are basically witches, doesn't help much with the whole racial cause. Using words like "I've served your family for a long time" and such statements make for offensive racist lines in my opinion.
2. Boyd's storyline
 I love Boyd. I absolutely whole-hearted-ly do, or did. He was built like a million bucks, to begin with, had a terrible back story to grow from either as a hero or an anti-hero in the arc. 
I thought that he should have been kept in the storyline. Losing a few characters (JACKSON, Victoria, Erica, Gerard -if only-, Matt, I think I missed someone) since the first two seasons made the transition into season three very difficult. Also, Alpha! Derek and Beta! Boyd are not even a thing anymore. I think once Boyd and Erica jumped ship back in season two the became omegas, regardless of the fact that they have been captured by the alpha pack. Whether Derek accepts that or not as an alpha, that's all in Derek's head. Killing Boyd shouldn't have been the same as the other alphas killing their betas. I know, Boyd did come back to help Derek, but I mean really now? REALLY? I think even though he went to Derek's loft with Isaac he was probably more or less the omega of the pack, much like the voltron twins. 

3. Stiles and Scott's joined storyline
Stiles and Scott haven't spoken to each other in 4 MONTHS? Stiles and Scott not even calling or skyping each other after each half of the partnership discovers something? Stiles not ever going inside the McCall house a la' seasons1&2? 

4. Gerard Argent being alive
Seriously? SERIOUSLY? I hate this guy's guts. He came back basically just to deliver visionary, which was a horrendous thing on its own, but that's it isn't it? Paige died of a rejected bite and spat black goo. Gerard's body did reject a bite, he is spitting and spouting black goo out of every cavity, the next logical step is death.

5. Lack of exploration on the Victoria Argent ghost front
So Allison sees her DEAD mom three times and she does nothing? She doesn't even ask anyone what's going on? And then everything about that whole thing is swept under Allison's mind rug? I know the not saying anything to anyone about it makes sense in Allison's arc this season, BUT at least she would have searched for answers on her own. What the heck? Allison is not stupid.

6. s03e08: Visionary 
 This is the worst thing on TV since one episode in charmed there was a demon who lived in ice-cream trucks. No, I actually take take that back, that crap was awesome. This is the worst thing on TV since someone paid money to produce Sh*t My Dad Says. This was supposed to connect everything together and yet it just ripped at the seam of this whole season's ripped fabric. Ennis's involvement made zero sense, Talia Hale was a shape shifter? A SHAPE SHIFTER? (bound to be another plotline dangled in front of the audience then never discussed)

I thought we left everything about that in cartoon! Peter Hale back in season 1. EVERYONE'S parents is connected to everything in this freaking tiny teeny town. The only good out of that episode was we actually found out about the colors of the werewolves' eyes meanings and we got to see more of TEENAGE! Peter Hale and grown up Peter tbh and got introduced to the adorableness that is Ian Nelson. *whispers* and Cora/Stiles.

7. The villain and anti-hero situations
Let me list male villains:
1- Peter Hale (alive)
2- Deucalian (alive)
3- the Kanima (dead because Peter and Derek killed the kainma?)
4- Gerard Argent (alive) not only that but
5- Matt whatshisname (dead)
6- Ennis (dead)
7- alpha voltron twins (alive×2)

Let me list female villains:
1- Kate Argent (dead)
2- Jennifer/ the darach (dead)\
3- Kali (dead)

Let me list male anti-heroes:
1- Jackson Wittemore (alive)
2- Derek Hale? (alive)
I am guessing Scott's dad will be added to this list after 3b.

Let me list female anti-heroes:
1- Victoria Argent (dead)
2- Erica (dead)

This just speaks for itself. Jeff Davis claims to have created a world free of racism, sexism, and homophobia. On how many of these fronts do you think he's succeeded?

On the plus side Kate Argent is coming back in 3b as Allison's heart of immense darkness.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Life Is Too Short For Boring Books

There is this code about when to stop reading a book you don't like. There is a set amount of pages you must read before giving up all hope and putting it in your donation pile. This is how it goes:

100 - your age = number of pages you should read before stopping.

Unlike Chris Argent, I do not go by the code.

Meet the humungous pile:
ebooks not included

1. The True Secret by Amira Ayad (Non-Fiction: Self Help)
Why I picked it up: I like to prize myself in thinking I have a religious consciouns, I thought this could be something I could both enjoy and benefit from.
Why I haven't finished it yet: BOOOOO-RING! Okay, maybe that was a bit uncalled for, but oh my God does this book drone on and on and on. The first chapter is just one paragraph repeated and paraphrased to no end. I couldn't get past that to actually enjoy the information discussed.
Will I ever finish it: No.

2. Writing in the Dark by David Grossman (Essay Collection)
Why I picked it up: So I went to watch a movie at the mall, I think it was Hugh Jackman's weird robot movie, and then went to the book store where they had a sale or something. I looked through the pile because I was on a book-buying-ban and reduced price books don't count. I found this book with this beautiful cover and a very gripping blurb. It was also partially because I was in a very political mood in that period of time. God knows.
Why I haven't finished it yet: The author assumes you have read all of the books he has read and based his opinions in life on. He keeps referencing all those books and authors. I am not in on the joke and I am not loving it.
Will I ever finish it: Most probably not.

3. The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde (Novel)
Why I picked it up: I heard tons of good thing about this author through the booktube community. I wanted to explore the modern sci-fi genre after liking some of Bradbury's work and Ender's Game. It was in our Booksessed charity book fair and I wanted to buy everything there to help the cause.
Why I haven't finished it yet: Don't get me wrong, the premise of this is great. The world was very well built, but I just couldn't get myself to care about the whole plot. I mean, maybe if it was a movie starring Juno Temple I would, but no.
Will I ever finish it: I would give this book a second chance. Not soon, though.

4. The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays by Oscar Wilde (Collection of Plays)
Why I picked it up: Osacr Wilde is the best.
Why I haven't finished it yet: Here is the thing, I only ever read 2 plays prior to picking this book up, and they were both by Shakespeare. What I was expecting was different from what I got.
Will I ever finish it: Most likely, yes. I love the ideas presented in the two plays I have read and I am looking forward to reading the main play in the book.

5. The Book of General Ignorance by John Lloyd & John Mitchinson (Non-Fiction: Compilation of commonly believed false facts)
Why I picked it up: Because it is the best thing anyone can ever own! All the things we thought were correct but aren't.
Why I haven't finished it yet: The thing with this book is, because it is just a list of facts written and explained it is difficult to read all in one go. I like to pick this book up whenever I am in a reading slump and read a few facts.
Will I ever finish it: My sister thinks I won't. Consider that challenge accepted!

6. The Ballad of Reading Gaol and Other Poems by Oscar Wilde (Poem Collection)
Why I picked it up: Oscar Wilde is the best.
Why I haven't finished it yet: I do not read much poetry, but I do believe it should be enjoyed. I'm making my way through this book, slowly, and with a pen to underline all the beautiful beautiful thing this man says.
Will I ever finish it: Yes. I do enjoy it very much.

7. The Complete Short Stories by Oscar Wilde (Collection of Short Stories)
Why I picked it up: You haven't been paying attention.
Why I haven't finished it yet: I'm on my way! I have less than a quarter to read and I am dreading the end of this journey!
Will I ever finish it: Yes. Then restart again and again.

8. Secrets of the Tattooed Girl by Dan Burstein, Arne De Keijzer, and John-Henri Holmberg (Non-Fiction: A Guide to Steig Larsson's Trilogy)
Why I picked it up: The Millennium trilogy is probably my all-time favorite book series. I've read the books, watched the Swedish adaptations, watched the American adaptation, read the graphic novel (currently waiting for the second!), and I am still eager to read more. I have been researching books that discussed the series in depth, and this seemed like a good starting point.
Why I haven't finished it yet: I got sidetracked doing other things.
Will I ever finish it: YES! I am loving it. I'm not that far in, but what I've read is captivating enough to pull me back into this book.

9.رواية الثورة التونسية by د. نزار شقرون (Non-Fiction: Historical & Political Discussion of The Tunisian Revolution)
Why I picked it up: Again, political phase. Mainly though, this was basically what started the Arab Spring and the Arab Spring is very relevant.
Why I haven't finished it yet: I honestly don't know. I was reading it on a flight, the plane landed and that was that. I want to finish it, though.
Will I ever finish it: I hope so.

10.أنا أحب دميتي: سيرة عشق الإنسان لصورته الدمية by جعفر حمزة (Non-Fiction: A study of mankind's relationship with dolls through the ages)
Why I picked it up: The cover of the book was intriguing.
Why I haven't finished it yet: The pages of the book weren't intriguing enough.
Will I ever finish it: I'm not sure.

11. محاورة عن الجميل by أفلاطون و هيبياس الأكبر ترجمة د. علي نجيب إبراهيم (Non-Fiction: Philosophical Debate)
Why I picked it up:  I wanted to "broaden" my "horizon"
Why I haven't finished it yet: I'm not sure. I don't even like philosophy.
Will I ever finish it: No.

12. لحظات تفكير في قضايا عالم مضطرب by د. إبراهيم القادري بوتشيش (Non-Fiction: A Discussion of Capitalism, Prejudice, Cultural Identity, and Other Things and What is the Islamic View on These Subjects)
Why I picked it up: This sounds so awesome. I love reading about things and then tying them to religion. It is what makes the pinwheels in my brain turn.
Why I haven't finished it yet: I read the introduction. Then I got sidetracked and haven't been in the mood to pick it up again yet.
Will I ever finish it: Hopefully! I only read the intro but it was very well written. 

13. العالم الأخير by د. محمد بن عبدالرحمن العريفي (Non-Fiction: Listing of All Minor Events that Will Lead to the Judgement Day)
Why I picked it up:  It is the second installment in a dueo-logy. I read the first one for a religious studies project in school and it was awesome.
Why I haven't finished it yet: It is HUGE!
Will I ever finish it: Yes.

14. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Classic Novel) [Kindle e-reader]
Why I picked it up:  My sister kept nagging me to read it because it is her favorite book of all time by her favorite author of all time. Also, the movie was the next attraction at the cinema.
Why I haven't finished it yet: Dear GOD. I don't know. I did not enjoy the writing style. I honestly only read the first chapter.I really wanted to love it but I didn't.
Will I ever finish it: God knows.

15. Grimm's Fairy Tales by Jacob Grimm & Wilhelm Grimm (Classic Short Stories) [Apple iBooks]
Why I picked it up:  I was on vacation and hadn't brought my kindle. I was in the mood for a short story so I downloaded No Free Lunches and this. Read the former, it is amazing.
Why I haven't finished it yet: As with no. 9 on this list, the plane landed. I have read some more 2 weeks ago. I'm slowly making my way through this.
Will I ever finish it: Yes. It is quite enjoyable, actually.

16. زينب by محمد هيكل (Novel) 
Why I picked it up:  It is the first ever full novel written in Arabic. We studied the art of novels in Arabic Literature class back in school and my friend Jinan said, "Hey! I have this book. You should read it because I couldn't finish it for all the boring aspects of it!" and I said, "Yeah! it's gonna be awesome"
Why I haven't finished it yet: That statement of mine was indeed false.
Will I ever finish it: No. I hope it burns in the hell from whence it came.

This is a collaboration post, to read my sister's click here.

Monday, July 1, 2013

My Mad Fat Diary

So my sister and I have this weird thing in which we have to be obsessed with something at any given period of time. As this season of Game of Thrones is coming to an untimely end like a certain warden of the north turned hand, we decided it was time to start watching something new.

I've been seeing a lot of posts about My Mad Fat Diary and finally decided to watch it. Apparently the show is based on the real story of a real Rae Earl. Basically, there is this 16? year old who had a self-harming "accident" and had to spend a few months in a psychiatric ward without anyone knowing about it. In the beginning of the first episode she explores her first week back in the real world where she tries to meet people, become better, and recover from her setback.

On her way home for the first time in month she runs into her best friend since ever, Chloe. Chloe then invites her out to meet her new made friends, "the gang" in "the pub".

Meet Rachael 'Rae' Earl:

Meet "the gang":

Meet Rae's mom and Karim:

Meet Tix & Danny:

Meet Kester:

This show is weirdly funny. I mean okay, it is a tad weird and inappropriate, I'll give you that, but what British show isn't? *cough*Misfits*cough*

Things I like about the show:

a. The characters. They are all individually exactly the same, which most people are. I feel the direction captures that human trait perfectly.

b. The soundtrack is perfect. You know when you watch a very nice scene in TV or in the cinema but the music playing ruins everything? not once has this happened in this show. 

c. The graphics and special effects. I could just write a love letter to graphic effects designed of this show.

d. The show has a very Mean Girls-y vibe, which I obviously am a huge fan of because MEAN GIRLS.

e. I like the fact that even though the show starts with Rae judging everyone to be awesome based on how they look, after the first episode she kind of realized that looks aren't the most important thing and maybe it's what is on the inside that counts. This is a lesson as old as time itself, taught by parents from generation to generation for eternity, and it is cool how the show doesn't just let Rae narrate that, " looks don't matter... being a nice person does." She just changes the way she acts around others and that is completely fine.

f. Kester's character is very interesting. He isn't perfection in the form of a psychiatrist, he's just a regular guy with a messed up life of his own which he doesn't let effect his job.

g. Rae always tells it like it is

Things I don't like about the show:

a. some of the graphics are very well, graphic. I don't know any other way to put it.

b. I don't know about others, but as for myself I don't  usually become close friends with people I've just met over night. I mean, especially if you struggled in making friends all through your life. It just doesn't make sense to me.

c. The fact that Chloe is essentially always mean and cruel to Rae. I mean, she's always putting Rae down because of her weight and personality, and sometimes she's right, but others she's just unfriendly.

d. Smoking and drinking are REALLY big parts of this show. I recognize the necessity of those two elements to the "troubled youth" story, but I don't understand why they need to make smoking look so appealing and sexual. 
Overall rating: 3.5/5